page-config_1_0.dtd Documentation

The chrysalis.xml file for the page configuration contains configuration information for the view pages.

Attributes whose names are in italics are optional.

Tag Summary
config Root tag for the page configuration.
directory Tag holding configuration for a directory.
message Tag for a message string, either global, for a directory or page-specific.
page Tag holding configuration for a page.
page-template Tag holding the global (or default) page template.
security Tag for security settings, either global, for a directory or page-specific.


Root tag for the page configuration. It has configuration data for all the pages within the appropriate directory.

Content: (page-template?, security?, message*, page*, directory*)


Tag holding the global (or default) page template.

Used in: config

Content: Text


Tag holding configuration for a directory.

Used in: config, directory

Content: (security?, message*, page*, directory*)


  • name [CDATA]: The directory's name.
  • page-template [CDATA]: The default page template within this directory.


Tag holding configuration for a page.

Used in: config, directory

Content: (security?, message*)


  • name [CDATA]: The page's name. Should omit the file extenstion (".jsp").
  • page-template [CDATA]: Attribute for the page's template. Uses global template if omitted.


Tag for a message string, either global, for a directory or page-specific. If there are multiple messages with the same name, the most specific one is used.

Used in: config, directory, page

Content: Text


  • name [CDATA]: The message's name. Should match the "key" attribute of the <ji18n:message> tag.


Tag for security settings, either global, for a directory or page-specific. If there are multiple settings for a given security value, the most specific one is used. Pages that require authentication should specify one or more roles. There is one special role, "AUTHENTICATED", which indicates that the user only needs to log in successfully to gain access to the page.

Used in: config, directory, page

Content: Empty


  • roles [CDATA]: The required roles, in a comma-delimited list.
  • login [CDATA]: The login page. Pages with required roles will be redirected to the specified login page.
  • encryption [(AS_REQUESTED|ALWAYS|NEVER)]: Whether this page uses encryption.