chrysalis-config_1_0.dtd DocumentationThe ChrysalisConfig.xml file contains general Chrysalis configuration information. This file should be located in the web application's "WEB-INF/classes" directory (or more accurately, in any directory or JAR at the root of the classpath). Attributes whose names are in italics are optional.
configThe root tag for ChrysalisConfig.xml. Content: (servlet.engine, plugin?, converter?, resources?) servlet.engineTag for the servlet engine package's configuration data. Used in: config Content: (controller, server?) controllerTag for global controller configuration data. Used in: servlet.engine Attributes
packageTag specifying a controller package. The controller packages are used to load controller classes into memory. More than one package may be specified. If there are controllers with the same name in multiple packages, the controller from the first package listed take precedence. Used in: controller Content: Text defaultTag for global controller defaults. Used in: controller Content: Empty Attributes
serverTag for configuration information related to server behavior of the Chrysalis servlet components. Used in: servlet.engine Content: (redirect?) redirectTag controlling how view redirection is performed. The "prepend_context" attribute of this tag specifies whether or not the context-path is prepended to site-relative redirect URLs (those beginning with "/"). This configuration value exists to address an ambiguity in the Servlet
specifications for the behavior of the Used in: server Content: Empty Attributes
pluginTag for plugin configuration data. Used in: config Content: (user?, logger?, optionLister?, scripter?) userTag for the user (security) plugin. Used in: plugin Content: Empty Attributes
loggerTag for the logger plugin. Used in: plugin Content: Empty Attributes
optionListerTag for the optionLister (option map loader) plugin. Used in: plugin Content: Empty Attributes
scripterTag for the scripter (client-side validation) plugin. Used in: plugin Content: Empty Attributes
converterTag for converter package's configuration. Used in: config Content: (datatype) datatypeTag containing various converter datatype mappings. Used in: converter Content: (mapping+) mappingMapping tag for an individual datatype. This information determines which converter class is use to manipulate data values with a given logical datatype name. Note that the default logical name for a particular Java value will be its Java class name. Datatype mappings specified in the ChrysalisConfig.xml take precedence over the default converters built into the Chrysalis framework. Used in: datatype Content: Empty Attributes
resourcesTag for resource configuration. Used in: config Content: (factories) factoriesTag for resource factory configuration. Used in: resources Content: (factory-for+) factory-forConfiguration for the factories for a specific type of resource. Used in: factories Content: (properties?, named-factory*) Attributes
named-factoryConfiguration for a named factory for a specific resource. Used in: factory-for Content: (properties?) Attributes
propertiesA set of configuration properties. Used in: factory-for, named-factory Content: (property+) propertyA specific configuration property. The tag's text is the property value. Used in: properties Content: Text Attributes